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ShellHub comes with a useful scripts for managing a self-hosted ShellHub instance. These scripts are located in bin of ShellHub project dir.

ShellHub Enterprise

If you are managing a ShellHub Enterprise self-hosted instance, all administrative tasks can be performed via the Admin Console.

Each script must be run from the root of ShellHub project dir.


Namespace scripts

➡ add-namespace

Add namespace to a local running instance of ShellHub.

Usage: ./bin/add-namespace <namespace> <owner>

➡ del-namespace

Delete namespace to a local running instance of ShellHub.

Usage: ./bin/del-namespace <namespace>

➡ add-user-namespace

Add user to specific namespace to a local running instance of ShellHub.

Usage: ./bin/add-user-namespace <username> <namespace>

➡ del-user-namespace

Delete user from a specific namespace to a local running instance of ShellHub.

Usage: ./bin/del-user-namespace <username> <namespace>

User scripts

➡ add-user

Add user account to a local running instance of ShellHub.

Usage: ./bin/add-user <username> <password> <email>

➡ del-user

Delete user account from a local running instance of ShellHub.

Usage: ./bin/del-user <username>

➡ reset-user-password

Reset user account password from a local running instance of ShellHub.

Usage: ./bin/reset-user-password <username> <password>